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一個運動神經元及其軸突支配著若干肌肉纖維。由一個運動神經元通過其單軸突與分支一起支配的肌肉纖維被稱為一個運動單位。一個運動單位所含肌肉纖維的數量有所不同。在貓腿部肌肉中,一個運動單位中有大約 120到165個纖維被觀察到。


運動單位活性可以通過將同軸電極插入到被研究的肌肉來進行測量。隨後,將電極連接到肌電圖機,並在肌肉活動期間獲得記錄圖像,稱為肌電圖。 將絕緣的電線進入到中空針的內部可以製作成同軸電極。針尖端附近少量肌肉的變化將被紀錄。因此,在電極附近的活性纖維中將觀察到最強的電活性。有時候,表面電極被用來代替深肌同軸電極。在這種記錄方法中,兩個表面電極放置在被研究肌肉的兩側並保持合理的距離。

當肌肉處於休息狀態時,不會有任何動作電位被記錄;然而,一旦肌肉變得活躍,電極附近運動神經元的異步放電會產生動作電位。在僅有最小自發活動發生的期間,只有少數運動單位被釋放,隨著自發活動的增加,更多單位被激活。這被稱為運動單位的招募。 肌肉活動的遞進是啟動的運動單元數量的方式。肌電圖研究對於診斷運動單元疾病(包括周圍神經損傷)和神經肌肉疾病(包括肌張力和重症肌無力)非常重要。

翻譯: 您學科領域的翻譯師翻譯您的原稿

Motor unit’s relation with electromyogram (EMG)

Motor unit:

A single motoneuron and it’s axons supply not only just a muscle fiber, but also several muscle fibers. The muscle fiber that is supplied by one motor neuron through its single axon along with branches are called a Motor Unit. A variety of muscle fibers are present. It is observed in cat leg muscles that approximately 120¬, 165 fibers are present in one motor unit.


A motor unit activity is measured through a coaxial electrode in to the muscle that is tobe studied. Next they are connected to electromyography (EMG). A recording is obtained during muscular activity. This recording is called an electromyogram (EMG). A hollow needle can be made in to a coaxial electrode introducing an insulated inner wire with in it. Possible changes are recorded from small volume of the muscles in immediate neighbourhood of the tip of the needle. Thus, it is has been observed that most of the electrical activity is from the active fibers near the electrodes. Sometimes, surface electrodes is used instead of deep muscle coaxial electrode. In this recording method, two surface electrodes are placed over the muscle to be studied at a reasonable distance.

When the muscle is at rest, no action potential is recorded; however, as soon as the muscle becomes active, potentials are recorded. The potential recorded during activity is as a result of the asynchronous discharge of motoneurons in the vicinity of the electrodes. During minimal voluntary activity, only a few number of motor units discharges, and as voluntary effort increases the more number of units is activated. This is called as recruitment of motor units Gradation of muscular activity is a part of the function of a number of motor units activated. Electrographic studies have clinically importance in the diagnosis of motor unit disorders including peripheral nerve injuries, neuromuscular disorders such as myotonia and myasthenia gravis, so on and so forth.


Motorunit’s relation with electromyogram (EMG)


A single motor neuronmotoneuronand it’s axonaxons innervate1supply not onlyjust a muscle fiber, but also several muscle fibers. The mMusclefibersthatis supplied innervated by one motor neuron throughits single axon along with branches are called a MmotorUunit.ThenumberA variety of musclefibers ina motor unit variesare present2 .It is has been observedin cat leg muscles that approximately 120­, 165fibers are present in one motor unit.


A motor unit activity is measured through inserting3 a coaxial electrode in tothe muscle that is to be studied. Next, theelectrode isthey areconnected to an electromyographelectromyography(EMG)4. A recording is obtained during muscular activity. Thisrecording is called an electromyogram (EMG).

A hypodermic hollow5needle can be made in to a coaxial electrode by introducing aninsulated inner wire with in into it. Possiblechanges are recorded from small volume of the muscles in immediate neighbourhoodof the tip of the needle. Thus, it is has been observed that most of theelectrical activity is from the active fibers near the electrodes. Sometimes,surface electrodes is used instead of deep muscle coaxial electrode. In thisrecording method, two surface electrodes are placed over the muscle to bestudied at a reasonable distance.

When themuscle is at rest, no action potential is recorded; however, as soon as themuscle becomes active, action 6potentials are recorded. Thepotential recorded during activity is as a result of the asynchronous dischargeof motoneurons in the vicinity of the electrodes. During minimal voluntaryactivity, only a few number of motor units    aredischargeddischarges, and as voluntary effort activity increases,the morenumberof units areis activated.This is called recruitment of motor units.7

Gradation ofmuscular activity is a function of thea part of thefunction of a number of motor units activated.  Electromyographic8Electrographic studies have clinicallyimportance in diagnosis of motor unit disorders including peripheral nerveinjuries, neuromuscular disorders such as myotonia and myasthenia gravis, so onand so forth.

  1. [風格]
  2. [文法]
    這裡應用所有格代詞所以把it's改成its。It's是"it is"或"it has"的縮寫,在這裡文法顯然不對。
  3. [文意清晰與否]
  4. [可讀性]
  5. [文法]複數的主語需搭配複數動詞。surface electrodes這個主詞應使用are而非is。
  6. [錯字]修正錯字
  7. [可讀性]
    贅詞讓文句很拗口。精鍊的文句讓文意更清晰,也提升可讀性。因為前面有用"including"了所以不需要用"so on and so forth"。


Motor units and their relationwith electromyograms (EMG)1

Motor unit    :

A single motor neuronmotoneuronand its it’s2axonaxonsinnervate3supply not onlyjust a muscle fiber, but also several muscle fibers; these fibers constitute The mMuscle fibersthatis supplied innervated by one motor neuron throughits single axon along with branches are called a MmotorUunit.The numberA variety of musclefibers ina motor unit variesare present4 .It is has been observedin The motor unit of cat legmuscles that hasapproximately 120­, 165 fibers are present in one motor unit5.

Electromyography: EMG

A Mmotor unit activity is recorded by measured throughinserting6a coaxial electrode in to the muscle of interest that isto bestudied. Next, the electrode isthey areconnected to an electromyographelectromyography(EMG)7. A and a recording isobtained during of muscularactivity. knownas an electromyogram is obtained. Thisrecording is called an electromyogram (EMG).8

A hypodermic hollow9 needlecan be made in to converted into a coaxial electrode by introducingan insulated inner wire with in into it. Possible Cchangesare recorded from the small volume of themuscles are recorded in the immediate vicinityneighbourhood of the tip of the needle tip.Thus, it is has been observed that most the highest ofthe electrical activity is observedfrom inthe active fibers near the electrodes. Sometimes, surface electrodes are is10used instead of deep muscle coaxial electrodes.In this recording method, two surfaceelectrodes are placed at a reasonable distance onthe skin overlying over themuscle to be studied at a reasonable distance.

When themuscle is at rest, no action potential is recorded;11 however, as soon as themuscle becomes active, action potentials results fromare recorded. The potential recorded duringactivity is as a result of the asynchronous discharge of motor neurons12motoneuronsin the vicinity of the electrodes. During minimal voluntary activity, only afew numberof motor units    are dischargeddischarges,and as voluntary effort activity increases,the morenumberof units areis activated.This is called motor unit recruitment of motor units.13

The Ggradation of muscular activity is a functionof thea part of the function of anumber of activated motor units activated. Electromyographic Electrographic14studies are clinically importanthave clinically importance in the diagnosis of motor unit disorders, including peripheral nerve injuries, and neuromuscular disorders, such asincluding myotonia and myasthenia gravis, so on and so forth15.

  1. [風格]
  2. [文法]
    這裡應用所有格代詞所以把it's改成its。It's是"it is"或"it has"的縮寫,在這裡文法顯然不對。
  3. [術語選擇]
  4. [用字遣詞]
  5. [文意清晰與否]
  6. [文意清晰與否]
    加入 “inserting”使文意更清晰。
  7. [文意清晰與否]
  8. [可讀性]
  9. [術語選擇]
  10. [文法]
    複數的主語需搭配複數動詞。surface electrodes這個主詞應使用are而非is。
  11. [不當省略]
    “Action” 被省略了。
  12. [錯字]修正錯字
  13. [可讀性]
  14. [誤譯]
  15. [可讀性]
    贅詞讓文句很拗口。精鍊的文句讓文意更清晰,也提升可讀性。因為前面有用"including"了所以不需要用"so on and so forth"。


Motor units and their relation with electromyograms

Motor unit:
A single motor neuron and its axon innervate several muscle fibers; these fibers constitute a motor unit. The number of muscle fibers in a motor unit varies. The motor unit of cat leg muscles has approximately 120–165 fibers.

Motor unit activity is recorded by inserting a coaxial electrode into the muscle of interest. Next, the electrode is connected to an electromyograph and a recording of muscular activity, known as an electromyogram, is obtained.
A hypodermic needle can be converted into a coaxial electrode by introducing an insulated inner wire into it. Changes from the small volume of muscles are recorded in the immediate vicinity of the needle tip. Thus, the highest electrical activity is observed in the active fibers near the electrodes. Sometimes, surface electrodes are used instead of deep muscle coaxial electrodes. In this method, two surface electrodes are placed at a reasonable distance on the skin overlying the muscle to be studied.
When the muscle is at rest, no action potential is recorded; however, as soon as the muscle becomes active, action potential results from the asynchronous discharge of motor neurons in the vicinity of the electrodes. During minimal voluntary activity, only a few motor units are discharged, and as voluntary activity increases, more units are activated. This is called motor unit recruitment.
The gradation of muscular activity is a function of the number of activated motor units. Electromyographic studies are clinically important in the diagnosis of motor unit disorders, including peripheral nerve injuries, and neuromuscular disorders, including myotonia and myasthenia gravis.

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