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It is definitely advantageous to enter a market first, provided there is an asymmetry in market. A company should be able to make the expert decision on whether being the first to entering an emerging market is worth the sorrow to invest money. This decision would largely depend on their resources.

Companies that adopt first-mover strategy constantly attempt to make more resources and products of before the follower arrives on scene. However, if the follower is able to develop resources that are better than those of the first mover, there is nothing preventing the follower from seizing the market share. The durability of the entering mover’s competitive advantage depends not only on the initial resources of the pioneer but on also the resources which it develops progressively.


It isdefinitely advantageous to enter a market first, provided there is an asymmetryin themarket. A company should be able to make the expertan informed1decision on whether being the first to enteringenteran emerging market is worth the sorrow to invest money.investment.2This decision would largely depend on theirits3resources.

Companies thatadopt first-mover strategy constantly attempt  4to makeusemore resources andto producemore products of 5before the follower arrivesfollowersarrive on scene. However, if the follower is able to developresources that are better than those of the first mover, there is nothingpreventing the follower from seizing the market share. The durability of the entering mover’spioneer’s6competitive advantage depends not only on theitsinitial resources of the pioneer7 but on also theresources which it develops progressively.

  1. [用字遣詞] [語言]
  2. [精準性] [學科專家]
  3. [文法]
  4. [空格] [風格/特別指示]
  5. [加強印象] [誤譯]
  6. [術語選擇] [學科專家]
  7. [重複] [語言]


It isdefinitely advantageous to be the first to1 enter a market first,provided if there is an asymmetry in the market is asymmetrical. Largely depending on its resources,2 Aa company shouldbe able to must make the an informed3expertdecision on about4whether being the first to entering an emerging market is worth the sorrow to invest moneyinvestment5. This decision would largely depend on their its 6resources.

A Ccompaniesy that adoptsfirst-mover strategy constantly attempts 7tomake use more resources and to produce more 8productsof before the followersarriveson the scene. However, if the follower is able has theability to develop resources that are betterthan those of the first mover, there is nothing preventingprevents9 the follower from seizing the10 market share. The durability of the entering mover’spioneer’s11competitive advantage depends on notonly on the its initial resources of the pioneer12 but on also theresources which that13 it develops progressively.

  1. [文意清晰與否 & 可讀性] [語言]
  2. [文脈 & 流暢性] [語言]
  3. [用字遣詞] [語言]
  4. [介詞] [文法]
  5. [精準性] [學科專家]
  6. [文法]
  7. [空格] [風格/特別指示]
  8. [加強印象] [誤譯]
  9. [文脈 & 流暢性] [語言]
  10. [冠詞] [文法]
  11. [術語選擇] [學科專家]
  12. [重複] [語言]
  13. [文法]


It is definitely advantageous to be the first to enter a market if the market is asymmetrical. Largely depending on its resources, a company must make an informed decision about whether being the first to enter an emerging market is worth the investment.

A company that adopts first-mover strategy constantly attempts to use more resources to produce more products before the followers arrive on the scene. However, if the follower has the ability to develop resources better than those of the first mover, nothing prevents the follower from seizing market share. The durability of the pioneer’s competitive advantage depends on not only its initial resources but also the resources that it develops progressively.

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