Korean Translation Samples


소매유통 부문은 향후 5년 동안 가장 높은 성장세를 보일 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 부문은 현재 참가자들과 신규 진입자들이 시장 개척을 준비하면서 빠르게 변화하고 있습니다. 소비자 수요와 부동산 확보 용이성이 빠르게 증가하기에 기업형 소매유통업 부문에서 중대한 성장이 예상됩니다.

미디어 보급이 확대되고, 높은 가처분소득을 올리는 경우가 많아지고, 다양한 브랜드와 서비스가 제공되면서 소비자들은 인지도가 높아지고 최고만을 찾게 되었습니다.
결과적으로, 소비자에게 가격, 제품 차별화, 경험 및 서비스의 올바른 조합을 제공하려면 브랜드와 소매유통업체 모두가 더욱 확장해야 합니다.

인도에는 현재 약 200개의 새로운 쇼핑몰, 1400개의 슈퍼마켓, 400개의 백화점이 건설 중입니다. 많은 소매유통업체가 막대한 투자를 해왔으며, 예측가들은 해당 부문의 규모가 2012년까지 5천억~7천억 달러에 달할 것이라고 말합니다.

향후 몇 년 동안 인도에서는 양질의 부동산을 확보하기 용이해지고, 쇼핑몰 관리 관행이 개선되며, 소비자가 새로운 환경에서 쇼핑하는 것에 편향되는 현상과 같은 주요 측면에 힘입은 업계의 성장에 따라 많은 소매유통업체가 임계점에 이르게 될 것입니다.

향후 우려사항:
▪ 쇼핑몰 동질성. 이는 전문화를 통해 해결할 수 있습니다.
▪ 재고 회전율이 낮고 재고 확보가 용이하지 않아 소매유통업체의 영업 강화가 중요합니다.
▪ 소매유통업체 및 공급업체의 영업 통합 및 조정 불가. 효율적인 공급망 관리를 위해 자동차 업계가 사용하는 효율적 관행을 구현할 수 있습니다.
▪ 납품일정 및 정확한 수량 납품 면에서 공급업체 책임 부재.
▪ 판매세법: 소매유통업체는 주 차원의 조달세 및 보관세가 부과되므로 더 많은 재고량을 유지해야 합니다. 부가가치세(VAT)로 인해 이 문제가 다소 완화되었습니다.
▪ 공급망 및 고객 관계, 머천다이징, 시설 관리 및 벤더 개발에서의 큰 격차. 이러한 영역과 기타 영역을 해결하려면 사전 예방 교육이 필수적입니다.

The retail sector is projected to show the highest growth in the next five years. The sector is rapidly transforming, with the current players and new-entrants preparing to explore the market. Momentous growth is expected in the organized retail sector due to the rapidly increasing consumer demand and the availability of real estate.

Moreover, thanks to the increase in the reach of media, high disposable income and availability of variety of brands and services, consumers have become more aware and are seeking only the best.
As a result, both brands and their retailers need to expand further in order to provide the right combination of price, product differentiation, experience, and service to consumers.

There are about 200 new malls, 1400 supermarkets, and 400 departmental stores currently under construction in India. Many retailers have made huge investments. Most forecasters say that this sector will reach US$ 500-700 billion by 2012

Over next few years, India will witness many retail businesses gaining critical mass with growth in the industry, driven by the major aspects such as availability of quality real estate, improved mall-management practices and consumers’ bias for shopping in new environments.

Future Concerns:
▪ Mall homogeneity. This can be possibly countered by looking at specialization;
▪ Small inventory turnovers and stock availability make it important for the retailers to enhance their operations.
▪ No integration and coordination in operations of retailers and suppliers. Efficient practices followed in the auto industry can be implemented for efficient supply-chain management.
▪ Lack of supplier responsibility, in terms of delivery schedules and delivering the accurate quantity ordered.
▪ Sales tax laws. Retailers face state level procurement and storage taxes, which lead them to keep higher inventories. VAT has eased this a bit.
▪ Major gaps in areas of supply chain and customer relations, merchandising, facilities management, vendor development: Proactive training is essential for addressing these and other areas.

The Rretailsector thatis sure projected to show thehighest growth in the coming next 1five years. Thesector is rapidly transforming , with the current2 players andnew-entrants preparinge to explore themarket. Momentous gGrowth are is expectedin the organized retail sector; due to the rapidly increasing consumer demand and the availability of real estate.

Moreover,thanks to the increase in the reach of media, high disposable income and availability of variety of brands and services, consumers have become more aware and are seeking only    the best.

As a result,both brands and their retailers need to expand further in order to provide theright combination of price, product differentiation, experience, and service toconsumers.

There are about 200 new malls, 1400 supermarkets, & and 400 departmentalstorescurrently under construction in India3. Many retailers are approachingwithhave made huge investments. Most forecasterssay that this sector shall touch towill reach US$500-700 billion by the year of 42012

Over next fewyears,India will witness many retail businesses gaining critical mass as with growthin the industry expedites, driven by the major aspects such as availability of quality real estate, improved mall-managementpractices and consumers preference bias 5forshopping in new environments.

Future Concerns:

No difference among the mallsMall homogeneity6. This can be possibly countered by looking at specialization;

Little Small inventoryturnoversand stock availability measures, which 7make it important forthe retailers to enhance their operations.

Nointegration and coordination in operations of retailers and suppliers.:Efficient practices followed in the auto and auto-component industries industry can be implemented for efficient supply-chain management.;

Lack of supplier responsibility, in terms of delivery schedules and delivering the accurate quantity ordered.;

Ssalestax laws.  :Rretailershave face statelevel procurement and storage taxes8, which leads them toretailer shavingkeep higher inventories. VAT has brought slight eased this a bit.

Major gaps in areas of supply chain and customer relations, merchandising, facilities management, vendor development: Proactive training is essential for addressing these and other areas.

  1. [단어 선택] [언어] 다른 표현과 단어를 사용해 가독성을 높였습니다.
  2. [오자] [스타일/SDI] 잘못된 철자를 바로잡았습니다.
  3. [누락] 원문과 일치하도록 누락된 정보를 추가했습니다.
  4. [명확성 & 가독성] [언어] [정확성] 의도한 의미를 더 잘 반영하기 위해 수정했습니다.
  5. [단어 선택] [언어] "Bias"가 여기에서 더 적합합니다.
  6. [전문용어 선택] [전문분야] 원문에 따라 이 현상을 나타내도록 더 나은 단어를 선택했습니다.
  7. [전문분야] [정확성] 원문에 따라 정확한 의미를 나타내기 위해 수정했습니다.
  8. [강도 변경] [오역] 원문에 따라 정확한 의미를 나타내기 위해 수정했습니다.

The Rretailsector is rapidly transforming and that is sure projected 1toshow display the its highest growth in the coming next five years. The sector is rapidly transforming , with Thus, the current2 players andnew-entrants are preparinge for the upcoming toexplore the market. Mmomentousmarket gGrowth are is that will result from expectedin the organized retail sector; due to the rapidly increasing consumer demand and the availability of real estate.3

Moreover, thanks Owingto the increased in the reach ofmedia, the abundance of high disposable income, and availability ofa variety of brands and services, consumershave become more ambitious and are seeking only    4the best.

As a resultThus,both brands and their retailers need tomust expandgrow and evolve 5further in order to provide the right combinations of price, product differentiation, experience, and service to consumers.

There are about approximately 200 new malls, 1400 supermarkets, & and 400 departmentalstorescurrently under construction6 in India. Many retailers are approaching withhave made huge investments, and. Most forecasters saystate that thisthe sector shall touch towill reachUSD$ 7500-700 billion by the year of 82012.

Over the next few years, India will witness many retail businesses gainingreach critical mass as with their growth in the industry expedites, driven bythe major aspects such as the availability of quality real estate, improved mall-management practices and consumers preference bias 9for shopping in new environments.


No difference among the mallsMall homogeneity10. This can be possibly couldbe countered by looking at with specialization;

Little Small inventoryturnoversand stock availability measures, which 11make it important forthe retailers to enhance their operations.

No integration and coordination in operations of retailers and suppliers operations12.:Efficient practices followed in used by the auto and auto-component industries industry can couldbe leveraged implementedfor efficient supply-chain management.;

Lack of supplier responsibility,13 in terms of delivery schedules and delivering the accurate quantity deliveryordered.;

Ssalestax laws.  :Rretailershave face state level procurement and storage taxes14, which leads them toretailer shavingkeepmaintain15 higher inventories. VAT has brought slight eased this a bit.

Major gaps in areas of supply chain andcustomer relations, merchandising, facilities management, and vendor development: Proactive training isessential for addressing these and other areas.

  1. [단어 선택] [언어] 다른 표현과 단어를 사용해 가독성을 높였습니다.
  2. [오자] [스타일/SDI] 잘못된 철자를 바로잡았습니다.
  3. [흐름 & 유창성] [언어] 텍스트의 가독성, 일관성, 흐름을 향상시키기 위해 이 부분을 수정하고 재구성했습니다.
  4. [가독성 & 명확성] [언어] 가독성을 높이기 위해 텍스트를 간결하게 했습니다.
  5. [단어 선택] [언어] 학술 텍스트의 스타일 및 언어에 맞게 더 나은 단어를 선택하여 수정했습니다.
  6. [누락] 원문과 일치하도록 누락된 정보를 추가했습니다.
  7. [스타일/SDI] 범위를 나타낼 때에는 대시를 사용해야 합니다. 스타일과 가독성을 향상시키기 위해 USD를 추가했습니다.
  8. [명확성 & 가독성] [언어] [정확성] 의도한 의미를 더 잘 반영하기 위해 수정했습니다.
  9. [단어 선택] [언어] "Bias"가 여기에서 더 적합합니다.
  10. [전문용어 선택] [전문분야] 원문에 따라 이 현상을 나타내도록 더 나은 단어를 선택했습니다.
  11. [전문분야] [정확성] 원문에 따라 정확한 의미를 나타내기 위해 수정했습니다.
  12. [구절 선택] [언어] 더 나은 구절로 수정했습니다.
  13. [구두점] 불필요한 쉼표를 삭제했습니다.
  14. [강도 변경] [오역] 원문에 따라 정확한 의미를 나타내기 위해 수정했습니다.
  15. [단어 선택] [언어] 더 나은 단어를 선택했습니다.

The retail sector is rapidly transforming and is projected to display its highest growth in the next five years. Thus, the current players and new entrants are preparing for the upcoming momentous market growth that will result from rapidly increasing consumer demand and the availability of real estate.

Owing to the increased reach of media, the abundance of disposable income, and a variety of brands and services, consumers have become more ambitious and seek only the best.
Thus, both brands and their retailers must grow and evolve to provide the right combinations of price, product differentiation, experience, and service to consumers.

There are approximately 200 new malls, 1400 supermarkets, and 400 departmental stores currently under construction in India. Many retailers have made huge investments, and forecasters state that the sector will reach USD 500–700 billion by 2012

Over the next few years, India will witness many retail businesses reach critical mass with their growth in the industry, driven by the availability of quality real estate, improved mall-management practices, and consumers’ bias for shopping in new environments.

Future Concerns:
▪ Mall homogeneity. This could be countered with specialization;
▪ Small inventory turnovers and stock availability make it important for the retailers to enhance operations.
▪ No integration and coordination in retailer and supplier operations. Efficient practices used by the auto industry could be leveraged for efficient supply-chain management.
▪ Lack of supplier responsibility in terms of delivery schedules and accurate quantity delivery.
▪ Sales tax laws: Retailers face state-level procurement and storage taxes, which lead them to maintain higher inventories. VAT has eased this a bit.
▪ Major gaps in supply chain and customer relations, merchandising, facilities management, and vendor development: Proactive training is essential for addressing these and other areas.

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