Turkish Translation Samples

Nano Materials

Elektriksiz nikel fosfor kaplamalar, yüksek aşınma direnci, yüksek korozyon direnci, yüksek sertlik ve sağlamlığın yanı sıra iyi yağlama gibi kendilerine has özelliklerinden dolayı birçok endüstriyel uygulamalarda kullanılır. Nano boyutlu partiküllerin bir Ni-P matrisinde bir takviye fazı olarak birleştirilmesiyle, bir elektriksiz takviye işlemi ile işlevsel bir nanometre kompozit kaplama üretilir. Ni-P kaplamanın bu birleştirilmiş özellikleri esas olarak iyileştirilerek kaplama performansına bazı yeni özellikler eklenmiş olur. Örneğin, nano-SiC, WC, Al2O3, TiO2 ve ZnO gibi nano partiküller kaplamalarda sertliği, PTFE, MoS2 ve grafit gibi nanopartiküller yağlamayı artırır. Bu nano partiküllerden PTFE, düşük yüzey enerjisi ve sürtünme katsayısı (yapışmaz yüzeyler veya kuru yağlayıcılar için iyidir), kirlenme önleyici özelliklerinin yanı sıra iyi aşınma ve korozyon direnci gibi özellikleri nedeniyle büyük ilgi uyandırmıştır. Ni-P-PTFE, yapışma önleyici kaplama olarak kullanılabilir. PTFE polimerinin düşük yüzey enerjisi ve aşırı düşük sürtünme katsayısı gibi fiziksel özelliklerinin ana kaynağı bu moleküllerin dış katmanlarında yoğunlaştırılmış flor atomlarıdır. Kaplama matrisinde PTFE'nin kaplanmasıyla hem Ni-P hem de PTFE'nin özellikleri aynı anda kullanılabilir. PTFE polimerinin düşük yüzey enerjisi (18,6 mN/m) sayesinde PTFE mükemmel yapışma önleyici özelliklere sahiptir. Bir Ni-P-PTFE kompozitinin kirlenmenin azaltılmasına yönelik uygulanmasının, ısı eşanjörlerinin yüzeylerinde kireçtaşına benzeyen tortu oluşumu gibi ciddi bir soruna çözüm sağlayabileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu çökeltiler, birçok tipteki üretim ve işleme ekipmanının tasarım ve işletiminin doğasında olan sorunlardan biridir. Bu istenmeyen çökeltiler, ekipmanı iki şekilde etkileyebilir:

  • Oluşan çökeltilerin ısıl iletkenliği daha düşük olduğu için ısı transfer direncini artırabilir ve bu nedenle ısı eşanjörü verimliliğini azaltabilir.
  • Kanalların kirlenmesi, akışkan yolunun enine kesit alanını azaltır ve sistem genelinde sürtünmenin artmasına ve basınç düşmesine neden olur.

Bu tür çökelti birikimini azaltmaya yönelik yöntemler maliyeti düşürebilir. Bu tür çökeltilerin düşük enerjili yüzeylere iyi tutunamadığını saptadık. Bu nedenle çok sayıda polimerik kaplama kullanılmıştır. Geleneksel polimer kaplamaların düşük termal iletkenlik, aşınma direnci ve substrata iyi tutunamama gibi özellikleri nedeniyle endüstriyel uygulamaları sınırlı kalmaktadır. Ni-P-PTFE kaplama metalik kompozite temelli olduğundan, termal iletkenliği, mekanik mukavemeti ve aşınma direnci özellikleri PTFE kaplamalardan çok daha iyidir ve yüzey enerjisi de düşüktür.

Electronless 1Electroless nickel-phosphorous coatings are used widely in many of the industrial applications because the unique properties, including of high wear resistant, high corrosion resistant, highly hard and tough property, and good lubrication. By combining nano–sized particles as a reinforcing phase inside of the Ni-P matrix to obtain, a functional nanometer composite coating with electronless co-depositionis produced by an electroless codeposition process, the . The combined properties of the Ni-P coating are to be mainly improved and sometimessome new features are fully 2added to the coating performance. For this purpose, differentinstance, nanoparticles likesuch as nano-SiC, WC, Al2O3, TiO2, and ZnO as harder particlesincrease hardness in the coatings, and nanoparticles such as PTFE, MoS2, and graphite asincrease lubrication particles are added for the coatings. Out. out of these nanoparticles, PTFE has got tremendous interest bydue to its properties like a, including low surface energy and3 lower friction coefficient, good for nonstick surfaces and dry lubricity, lubricants, anti-fouling properties, and very good wear and corrosion resistantresistance. Ni-P-PTFE can be used as an anti-sticking coating. Condensed fluorine atom in these molecules at the outer layer are the main cause of the physical properties of PTFE like its low surface energy and very lower friction coefficient. By codeposition of PTFE in the matrix of the coating, the properties of Ni-P and PTFE can be used simultaneously. PTFE has excellent anti-stick properties due to the low surface energy of PTFE polymer (18.6 mN/m). Therefore another potential application of Ni-P-PTFE is the reduction for fouling. For example, the formation of deposits resembling 4limestone with the surfaces of heat-exchange exchangers or heat-exchange elements is a serious problem. The sediments are one of the natures problems on the designationdesign and operation of many production equipmentsequipment and processes. Unasked for These unwanted sediments can affect the equipment in two ways are:

  • The lower thermal conductivity of the formed sediments can increase resistance for heat transfer, and therefore reduces the efficiency of heat-exchanging exchangers.
  • Fouling the ducts reduces the cross-sectionsectional area of the fluid path and the friction becomes higher, causing to an increase of pressure drop across the system.

Any methodsMethods5 for reducing sediments such sedimentary build-up can decrease costscost. It was found that the adhesion of the formed sediments on the surfaces with low surface energy is poor. For this purposeTherefore, many polymeric coatings have been used. The lower thermal conductivity, low wear resistance and poor adhesion of the substrate of the conventional polymer coatings have limited their industrial applications. Since Ni-P-PTFE coating is a metallic based composite, its thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, and wear-resistant properties are much bigger than PTFE coatings, while it has a low friction coefficient and less surface energy.

  1. [Technical Word Choice] [SME] Correct technical term used
  2. [Clarity] Clarity improved
  3. [Omission] Omission of “low surface energy” was observed as per source text
  4. [Accuracy] More accurate word choice as per source text
  5. [Readability] [Accuracy] More accurate word choice used and readability enhanced

Electronless1Electroless nickel-phosphorous coatings are used widely 2used in many of the industrial applications because theof their unique properties, including of high such as being highly wear resistant, high and, corrosion resistant, highly along with being very hard and tough property, and tough as well as a 3good lubrication. By combining nano–sized particles as a reinforcing phase inside of the Ni-P matrix4 to obtain, alubricant. A functional nanometer composite coating with electronless co-depositionis produced by an electroless codeposition process, theco-deposition process that combinesi nano-sized particles as a reinforcing phase within a Ni-P matrix. The combined properties of the Ni-P coating are to be mainlygreatly improved and sometimessome new features are fully 5added to enhance the coating performance by adding different nanoparticles. For this purpose, differentinstance, nanoparticles likesuch as nano-SiC, WC, Al2O3, TiO2, and ZnO as harder particlesincrease hardness in the coatings, and nanoparticles such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE6), MoS2, and graphite asincrease lubrication particles are added for the coatings. Out. out of. Of these nanoparticles, PTFE has gotgarnered tremendous interest bydue to its properties like a, including low such as low surface energy and7 lowerlow friction coefficient, (good for nonstick surfaces and dry lubricity, lubricants,), anti-fouling properties, and very good wear and corrosion resistantresistance. Ni-P-PTFE can be used as an anti-sticking coating. Condensedstick coatings. The condensed fluorine atomatoms in these molecules at the outer layer are the main causesource of the physical properties of PTFE like itssuch as low surface energy (18.6 mN/m) and very lower friction coefficient. By codeposition, both excellent properties for anti-stick coatings. By co-deposition of PTFE in the matrix of the coating, the properties of both Ni-P and PTFE can be used simultaneously. PTFE has excellent anti-stick properties due to the low surface energy of PTFE polymer (18.6 mN/m). Therefore another 8The potential application of a Ni-P-PTFE iscomposite to the reduction for fouling. For example, the is foreseen as a potential solution to the serious problem of the formation of deposits resembling 9limestone withon the surfaces of heat-exchange exchangers or heat-exchange elements is a serious problem. The. These sediments are one of the naturesinherent problems onin the designationdesign and operation of many types of production and processing equipmentsequipment and processes8. Unasked for These unwanted sediments can affect the equipment in two ways are:: 10

  • The lower thermal conductivity of the formeddeposited sediments can increase resistance for heat transfer, and therefore reduces resistance, thereby reducing the efficiency of heat-exchanging exchangers exchanger efficiency11.
  • Fouling the ducts reduces the cross-sectionsectional area of the fluid path and the friction becomes higher, causing to an increase ofincreased friction and a pressure drop increase across the system.

Any methodsMethods for reducing sediments such sedimentary build-up 12can decrease costscost. It wasWe found that the adhesion of the formedsuch sediments on the surfaces with low surface energy is poor. For this purposeTherefore, many polymeric coatings have been used. The lowerLower thermal conductivity, low and wear resistance andas well as poor adhesion ofto the substrate of the conventional polymer coatings have limited their industrial applications. Since Ni-P-PTFE coating is based on a metallic based composite, its thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, and wear-resistant properties are much biggerbetter than PTFE coatings, whileand it also has a low friction coefficient and lessas well as low surface energy.

  1. [Technical Word Choice] [SME] Correct technical term used
  2. [Grammar] Grammar enhanced. In the passive voice, adverbs of manner are generally placed between the helping and main verbs or after the verb phrase
  3. [Word and Phrase choice] Clarity and word choice enhanced
  4. [Readability] Phrasing and word choice enhanced
  5. [Clarity] Clarity improved
  6. [Style] Abbreviations should be spelled out at first usage
  7. [Omission] Omission of “low surface energy” was observed as per source text
  8. [Style] [Redundancy] Redundant information removed
  9. [Accuracy] More accurate word choice as per source text
  10. [Grammar]“are” was grammatically incorrect
  11. [Clarity] Clarity and word choice enhanced
  12. [Readability] [Accuracy] More accurate word choice used and readability enhanced

Electroless nickel-phosphorous coatings are widely used in many industrial applications because of their unique properties, such as being highly wear resistant and, corrosion resistant along with being very hard and toughas well as a good lubricant. A functional nanometer composite coating is produced by an electroless co-deposition process that combinesi nano-sized particles as a reinforcing phase within a Ni-P matrix The combined properties of the Ni-P coating are greatly improved and some new features are added to enhance the coating performance by adding different nanoparticles. For instance, nanoparticles such as nano-SiC, WC, Al2O3, TiO2, and ZnO increase hardness in the coatings, and nanoparticles such as polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE), MoS2, and graphite increase lubrication. Of these nanoparticles, PTFE has garnered tremendous interest due to its properties, such aslow surface energy and low friction coefficient (good for nonstick surfaces and dry lubricants), anti-fouling properties, and good wear and corrosion resistance. Ni-P-PTFE can be used as anti-stick coatings. The condensed fluorine atoms in these molecules at the outer layer are the main source of the physical properties of PTFE l such as low surface energy (18.6 mN/m) and friction coefficient, both excellent properties for anti-stick coatings. By co-deposition of PTFE in the matrix of the coating, the properties of both Ni-P and PTFE can be used simultaneously.. The potential application of a Ni-P-PTFE composite to the reduction for fouling is foreseen as a potential solution to the serious problem of the formation of deposits resembling limestone on the surfaces of heat exchangers. . These sediments are one of the inherent problems in the design and operation of many types of production and processing equipment. These unwanted sediments can affect equipment in two ways:

  • The lower thermal conductivity of the deposited sediments can increase heat transfer resistance, thereby reducing the efficiency of heat exchanger efficiency-.
  • Fouling the ducts reduces the cross-sectional area of the fluid path, causing increased friction and a pressure drop increase across the system.

Methods for reducing such sedimentary build-up can decrease cost. We found that the adhesion of such sediments on surfaces with low surface energy is poor. Therefore, many polymeric coatings have been used. Lower thermal conductivity and wear resistance as well as poor adhesion to the substrate of the conventional polymer coatings have limited their industrial applications. Since Ni-P-PTFE coating is based on a metallic composite, its thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, and wear-resistant properties are much r better than PTFE coatings, and it also has a low friction coefficient as well as low surface energy.

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